Well, as I've always cynically said like so many others, if you want to know what's going on, follow the money. And the whole global warming religion is about a whole big pile o' money. People who want to get or keep a piece of the pie are trying to control what you think. The scientific community is NOT unanimous about global warming but the economics of research funding are tending to silence the voices of the dissenters and as is all too often the case, politics is riding roughshod all over the scientific method and truth in general. In any case, we haven't been getting the other side of the story for which to me the evidence is far more compelling.
I've wondered if we even have temperature records old enough to have any meaning at all for plotting trends. One may have to look back far before recorded history to really make sense of it all. But it would seem that the data we do have when taken together objectively does show trends that if anything run completely opposite to global warming theory.
With all the hysteria about global warming I have been wondering why we have not heard one peep out of the media with regard to the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by volcanoes as compared to cars and factories. That fact alone has made me think that the media and the masses really have little interest in reality, but rather only in a predetermined agenda. Tonight I watched a British documentary called
"The Great Global Warming Swindle." (You can watch a video stream of it at the link. It's worth an hour and fourteen minutes of your time to be informed.) It DOES talk about volcanoes which, as I suspected, put out more C02 than all human activity. What I didn't know is that animals and bacteria account for a whole lot more than that - 150 gigatons per year compared to 6.5 gigatons from all human sources. But wait, dying and rotting vegatation accounts for more than that and all of the above combined is a small fraction of the real culprit of C02 production: the oceans. And speaking of the oceans, the documentary explains the temperature memory effect of the deep oceans being in the magnitude of hundreds to thousands of years. Things the oceans are doing today are the result of things that happened long before the industrial revolution and perhaps before the planet was even populated by humanity. And all of the above is trumped by the real controller of our climate; something that has the power to dry up the oceans if not for our precise placement in space: the sun. Duh! Remember that graphic from your science textbook showing how many earths would fit inside the sun? If the earth is a marshmallow, our influence on it's climate is a few specks of dirt and the sun is the campfire. We think far too highly of our influence. If every human made all the radical lifestyle changes the naysayers would like to see happen, if we stopped operating every car and truck, if we shut down the power plants, I don't think the earth would hiccup one way or the other. The only real change would be a redistribution of wealth and power among various groups of humans, which I believe is what this is really all about.
The insidious thing about untruth is that it can taint large quantities of truth and use it in the service of it's deceitful agenda. Al Gore's film uses a beautifully produced graphic to show the relationship between C02 volume and global temperature. The relationship is there. It is true. What Al fails to tell us, or perhaps he didn't know, is that the cause/effect relationship is the reverse of what he infers. The fact is that C02 level has followed temperature level. It has consistently lagged behind. It is a result of climate change, not the cause of it. Though possibly (but not necessarily) well-intentioned, It would seem that our ex-vice-president is either not very thorough or not all that terribly smart or a liar. But hey, everybody wants to believe the guy who created the internet, right?
I believe we should be good stewards of what we have been given. I don't throw gum wrappers on the ground. I think it's wrong to litter. It's reprehensible to be wantonly wasteful. But I also believe the earth is to serve mankind, not the other way around. "The Great Global Warming Swindle" points to the biggest losers if Al's believers get their way: the third world. The worst pollution that kills the most people is cooking fire smoke inside the dwellings of those who have no electricity. One third of the world's population would be a whole lot healthier if they had a power plant nearby.
So, Mr. Gore, "the debate is over," eh? You might read a bit from someone who is actually a thinking person. Andrew Marshall is a 19 year old university student. Take a look at what he has written and compiled
here. The conclusion of his very thorough treatise includes this:
"It seems worrisome that politicians are all too eager to grab onto this man-made myth of global warming in order to make us afraid and guilty. Guilty enough to want to change it, and afraid enough to give up our freedoms and undergo massive financial expenses in order to do so. So this lie, being pushed by big money and big governments, is a convenient lie for those who want to exert control and collect money. However, it’s inconvenient for the mass amount of people who are already experiencing the problems of a widening wage-gap and fading middle class."
The rich always want to balance the budget on the backs of the middle class. After all, we're just too stupid to know any better.