Friday, September 25, 2009

Photo test from iPhone

Mmm. Will this work

He he! I guess so! Man is this thing cool!

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone 3Gs

Fun with my new phone

My phone has finally caught up with me. Or maybe I with it. The whole time I was in Orlando I had a South Carolina number. While here in Fort Myers, I've had an Orlando number. The last phone, the one that seemed so cool two years ago, bit the dust a couple of weeks ago. Now that the iPhone has come down into the price range of mere mortals I decided to finally take the plunge. WOW! This thing is like stepping into a time machine and zooming ahead. Unbelievable what can be done with it. Like making a blog entry for example. There are apps available for things I'm sure Steve Jobs never imagined. It's easily the most amazing gadget I've ever had. It's even reasonably easy to type on - for a phone anyway. Most technology never quite delivers on it's promises. This little gem goes beyond.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone