Is anybody out there anymore?
Is the blogosphere even a thing anymore? I had almost completely forgotten about this. The last time I posted here was 3 1/2 years ago. I suppose it's completely dead. But tonight I got to wondering if I posted something, if anybody would see it. So here I am giving it a try. I saw by looking here that my first hip replacement, the right one, happened 10 years ago last week. Where did that decade go?! The last couple of years have been a blur with my wife's condition of complete incapacitation due to 24/7 dizziness. She spends all her time in bed and I am a caregiver much of time I'm not either at work or sleeping. It's getting very hard. And there is no end in sight. No docs are able to help her, though we've tried every kind of specialist imaginable. So, life is kinda tough at the moment. Anyway, just to have something to post here, I thought I'd put up a little video of the last song I wrote a month or so ago. It is not autobiographical, though it easily could have been. There are lots more at
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