Friday, March 25, 2005

Grace and Beauty

Grace and beauty
Line and form
Subtlety of curve
And suppleness of filling
The fineness of your hair
The radiance of your smile
Catching the scent of you passing by

Awash in the warmth of you in the room
The wisdom deep inside enlightens my world
Your wordless smile looks up at me
As I hold my treasure
in my arms

Home without you
Is a sideways place
Too cold, too quiet
Too dead, too hungry
The air drains away
I hold my breath ‘til you return
You walk in and joy comes again

Pulled back
to the surface
I inhale your presence again
Sublime and precious
And live another day


Anonymous Anonymous said...

intriguing... I can't wait to read the next few months. the question is the time to read it all!

Monday, March 26, 2007 7:02:00 PM  

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