Friday, July 15, 2005

Birdy Starbucks

I could sure go for a venti millet with a sprinkle of sunflower on top.

The thing that made us decide to take this particular apartment we are in is the view out the windows. Amazingly, they don’t look out onto a parking lot or at other apartments. All of them, which look out two different directions, have a view of greenspace with grass and trees. It’s quite pleasant for an apartment. Just outside our bedroom window is a small tree that we kind of have a view inside of, almost like a little canopy. And there is a bush nearby. One of the first mornings here there were lots of birds hanging out in this area, at least six or seven species at the same time. This spot is a perfect hang out for birds. It has just the right mixture of cover and openness and plenty of seating available on the various sized branches. It struck me that it is about as appealing to avians as a Starbucks is to humans. We thought it would be a good place to put a feeder, so I got one and a bag of seed to fill it with. Then I watched. No birds for days. Strange. Sometimes the best market research comes up with a dud location. Maybe we should have played safe and put it next to the McDonald’s down the street. Then yesterday I saw a little sparrow sampling the goodies. Word travels fast because today we had lots of customers. On the feeder, on the ground going after the inevitable leftovers, and others waiting around on the branches for a table. Around the corner above the patio are hanging a couple of hummingbird feeders. My daughter says she saw one come by the other day, but I’ve yet to see one here. You just never can tell how the restaurant business is going to go.


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