Thursday, July 07, 2005

Mind and Hands

Many folks who work with their hands need to use their minds more.

Many folks who work with their minds need to use their hands more.

It's been said that as you age and get along in a career, you should get paid more and more for what you know and less and less for what you do. As I get older, it seems what is desired of me more and more is brain work. As I get older, it seems what I want to do more and more is just work with my hands. What kind of person does that make me? Counter productive? Unrealistic? Burned out? Lazy? It's probably just a grass is always greener thing. If I had to work with my hands all day every day, I would probably be pining away about mind numbing boredom and the desire to do something that required more brain power. Oh, to find an equalibrium. But the teeter totter just doesn't want to stay there, does it?


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