To climb above the haze of thought into clear understanding, to navigate a true course, to take the highest road, to air out my soul, to breathe freely, to soar.
This is my essay.
all rights reserved by wingman
Staining coming along nicely. I discovered that Minwax water based "Rosewood" stain makes okoume marine plywood look reasonably close to what was already in the boat, which I think is teak veneer, once both are under a coat of epoxy.
Ready for epoxy coating but it's gotten too late and I'm going to bed. Maybe tomorrow. The exposed faces of these pieces are either going to be inside a cabinet or covered by Formica, thus no stain.
I like anything that flies and most other things that move or move me in three dimensions.
I like sports that involve the burning of fossil fuels.
I don't like sports that involve balls.
I enjoy beauty and make attempts to create some. I am deeply moved by subtlety and symbol. But I also like being a tough, outdoors guy.
I adore women but don't understand them.
I don't throw stuff away, I fix it.
I admire simple and strong design but am often seduced by the complex.
I'm a renaissance man wanna-be.