Saturday, August 19, 2006

Home Again

I'm back home in Orlando. After a visit home to Columbia. I-4, I-95, and I-26 are the route home, I'm just not sure which direction it is. It was so good to see everybody. A really blessed time. Alas, there was one sour note. My trusty laptop which has served me so well actually belonged to the school and the agreed on day came last week when I was to turn it back in. I am now a digital vagabond, a computer hitchhiker. I have no machine of my own. It's strange after having a computer as just short of an appendage to now be an amputee. I don't know how long this will be. I'm praying for enough extra camera days to be able to buy myself another one.

So this computer was just sitting here running and available. Thought I should take advantage - check the email and send up a quick post. And so my computer sponging begins. I guess it has been going on all along since I've been computing like crazy with a machine that wasn't really mine. But this is different. And a great deal of my life is on a hard drive sitting across the table that can't be read by this old mac. It's going to be interesting.


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