Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Change to the nth power

The mechanism of change is an enigma. Because we can only know the past and not the future, we have a comfort in what has been. Even if it is difficult, traumatic, awful, it is still in the realm of the known because it is past. The future is not knowable. We can project. We can think through possible scenarios. We can evaluate and disect and weigh and consider but in the end there is just no way to know. And we attempt to trace through the ramifications as far as we can postulate, but we cannot possibly consider and predict every outcome.

If one is completely selfish, the choices are relatively easy. There is only one person to consider: me. But if the well-being of many people is of concern, then the complications mount exponentially.

Then there is the consideration of point in time. What is weighed to be the best course of action at one point in time may not be at a later one. Not only is the timing of related events of concern in terms of overlapping or separation, the time that passes after events can make all kinds of adjustments that can make a questionable change prove to be far better or far worse than anticipated. Wants, needs, judgments, evaluations, unanticipated eventualities, and emotional responses all adjust over time and make choices and changes appear in different light at a different point in time.

How is one to know? The answer is that one cannot know. God tells us to ask for wisdom and promises to give it. But even the best wisdom still leaves us uncertain about an unknowable future. Faith in God and faith in the wisdom He provides is our only hope of navigating the maze.

Not to choose is to choose. One must at some point make a call and move ahead in that direction. This is something we must face every day. But some days present a fork of huge significance. God help us to go the way that will prove best not today necessarily, but many days from now and far into the future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

succinct DW thoughts. A contradiction? Naw,perfectly worded and hopefully understood by all who love you

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 5:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Define questionable changes so that what you're saying can be better understood. BTW, dan weird needs some explaining too!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous, I agree with you that this is well written and much thought and concern invested in this piece. I can tell that there are many layers to this and I think I am probably missing some. But really got me to thinking about choices and how in the world we go about that. I guess I have a more simple approach than you do and I would be interested in you enlightening me. I simply start with what I know to be true and right and already clearly revealed. Don't need to pray about that. But boy I am on my knees about many other things. It's hard work and at the same time extremely satisfying for interaction with him and He asking me to totally trust Him even when life doesn't live right by Him somehow causes the intimacy I have so desperately been wanting. A true mystery but totally real. A, you seem to have better handle on this than I do and I don't always see the things that the writer is trying to get across. Wingman or A., help me understand better for I so want to hear wisdom that I may not have a grasp on. Thanks.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 1:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes connections to others in life are made that defy explanation. When this happens how do we discern if this is God ordained, wishful thinking, being at a point of vulnerability and susceptibility or just plain plunging after sin. A stepping back needs to take place. Motivations must be examined. And a ceaseless crying out for God's wisdom on the matter is essential. We desire for God to be the end all,be all for our every need and we through the the teaching of God's spirit can come to terms living out our lives leaning and existing on his inexhaustable love and for that to be enough. But don't we all deeply desire to connect with a tangible, physical presence that comes to represent a God-flow of love we didn't think was possible on this earth? It shakes us to our core. We come to accept what we didn't believe was ours to experience and what we assumed we'd live without for the sake of upholding vows and not leaving a wake of destruction. Only if the connection has the blessing of God can it be sanctioned. And that is what must be sought otherwise we fool ourselves and risk alienation from God. But the agony of recognition of that soul connection that is so untimely is a hellish ordeal. How do we walk away from what our heart has always sought? Life gives us much that rips our souls and forces us into the arms of God who comforts and lets us know he'll never leave us. We do find peace in this and for seasons or for life it can be enough. But to have tasted the richness of a connection thought to be impossible on this earth, how do we walk away? We must do exactly that if the price is too high. That is the crossroad of the moment

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:27:00 PM  
Blogger wingman said...

Questionable changes may be that way because of DW perspectives on conventional wisdom. DW is a peculiar personal way of thinking about something based on an offbeat perspective so out there that even the thinker considers it weird and rarely dares share it. But once in a while somebody understands.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 8:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second Raiel. Choices are not easy, but some things are more important than others.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006 3:47:00 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Hey Dan, Patrick Weed here. Saw your comment on my blog and realised i haven't posted in a while. Going on a missions trip in 6 days and thought i would use the site to keep friends updated. Good to hear from you. Don't be a stranger. In fact would love to get your email. Keep in touch.

Monday, July 24, 2006 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am just now learning to live life one moment at a time, not being overly concerned about the future but being who He wants me to be in the moment. All the moments and what occurs in them define the future. So it is of utmost importance to me to take what is presented in the real here and now,what I do know and understand, and live.

Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

June of '06 is passed without any comment of the 3-June nuptials? There had to be lots going on in the mind at that time and to have it go unreported and the thought unrecorded is a bit striking! The comments here are quite intriguing, and I may have to go back a few times to get it all...

Sunday, April 08, 2007 5:10:00 PM  

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