Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ambiguous Loss

I recently finished reading a book called "Ambiguous Loss - learning to live with unresolved grief" by Pauline Boss. It dealt with the grieving and coping process in situations like children who disappear, men lost in war, and people with alzheimers. In these cases a person may be physically gone but still have a presence in the family because there was never a body, never any closure. In the case of alzheimer's, the person is physically present but already gone. These are obvious, gross examples, but the principals also apply to more subtle versions of being physically gone and yet present, or physically present yet gone. Ambiguity makes everything so much harder to deal with because things drag on without resolution and one doesn't know what to do or how to move on and recover. Lots of issues can fall under this pall of ambiguity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, back to the personal stuff - but what was going on during all the writing about movies, fundamentalists and motorcycles? Phone contact is a must, and if I keep up this pace, it's likely to happen sooner rather than later. BTW, the boss just told me I'm likely NOT going to Orlando this year - budget considerations and I have too few customers. It may change if I can get some appointments set up for that show... I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, April 08, 2007 4:50:00 PM  

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