Thursday, April 21, 2005


more recycling:

Take three people, all of whom have relationships with each other in pairs and as a threesome. Of this set of relationships, lets examine two of the pairs, each with one common member. One might assume that those two relationships are very similar, if not identical, since one side of each of them consists of the same person. But they are not the same at all. They are not even close. One can be tempted to believe, as I have, that one automatically diminishes the other. It certainly is possible that this can intentionally happen. And it seems that it can inadvertently happen. But it is not automatic and it is not necessary. The two relationships happen in different time and space and can never fully synchronize no matter how hard the three parties try. If all are able to operate in honor prefering one another, as the Bible verse says, then it is possible for both relationships to fully support each other and blessing can flow all around. But here's the rub: there has to be a willingness to accept the fact that there are things I don't know and cannot understand. And that this is also true on the other side. We have to trust each other with these mysteries. And make peace with the fact that we will never understand everything. This concept has huge ramifications to gaining personal peace and to getting along in the world. There is an irony that attaining wholeness involves becoming contented with the notion that one can never be completely whole. There will always be missing parts, missing information, missing comprehension. I'm only beginning to see this. I have much processing left to do. This rabbit hole may have no bottom. But God is a person. And it helps me to gain some sliver of understanding to think in terms of relationships with flesh and blood people around me.

(This was originally part of a discussion about the uniqueness of God's relationship with each person and the idea that the differences in the relationships contribute greatly to our inability to understand each other, the proliferation of many denominations, etc.)


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