Sunday, April 17, 2005


The sun is setting on the last day. I sit by quiet waters contemplating what will no longer be necessary. Soon, there will be one last breath. Air will no longer be consumed. Little bats flit about the pond. They lunge to and fro for their insect supper. Occasionally one swoops just above the water lapping up his beverage on the fly. They need sustenance and God as seen to it that they are supplied. Birds are making their final flights for the day, settling into the trees. The half moon is high overhead staking its claim as queen of the night sky. But for one, dinner was wasted. And now drink also has no use. A comfortable home will no longer be so. The cycle of days, nights, and seasons will cease to have beauty or meaning. The sun will rise tomorrow for us and the critters of this wood. But not for the one who is on our hearts as light and life both fade away. It happens thousands of times every day and night. But when death visits your own it is anything but normal. God be with my loved ones in the deep black of the valley of the shadow. Guard them through this night. Teach us to number our days. For tonight the counter ticks over to zero. Godspeed dear one and God be with us.


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