Wednesday, April 20, 2005

"I did not have sex with that woman"

-President Bill Clinton

From "The Week" magazine, April 8, 2005:
Yale and Columbia University researchers followed about 12,000 students in grades 7 through 12 for the past six years. They found that when those who had formally vowed sexual abstinence did engage in sexual activities, they were less likely than other teens to use condoms. They were also less likely to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. Among boys and girls, pledgers were six times more likely to have oral sex, while for the boys, those who pledged abstinence were four times more likely to have anal sex. Millions of teens have signed written vows to abstain from sex, part of a church-led effort to discourage premarital sex. But researchers say those same teens may be less prepared for sex. "They substitute other noncoital sex," Hannah Brueckner of Yale tells USA Today, "which, however, puts you at risk."


So, it all just depends on what your definition of "is" is. God help us.


Blogger wingman said...

I have known some folks who have been champions and organizers of a couple of these abstinence pledge efforts from way back at the beginning of the movement. I thought it was a fantastic idea and it had my whole hearted support. I led my own two children in such a ceremony and they signed documents I prepared for them and received jewelry as a token of their commitment. In their case, I think it was a very good thing. But But it is very discouraging to see a "good idea" backfire like it has for so many it was intended to help. It makes me think of other initiatives in the church at large that are having repercussions the the architects did not forsee. I'm sure all of these efforts were bathed in prayer, so where did they go wrong? I certainly don't know, but I suspect the main problem is somewhere in the direction of the compeletely different way of thinking in post-modern minds that the older generations simply have no ability to fathom. They set up something with a logical progression, but the receivers process it with an entirely different logic that yields spurious results.

Friday, April 22, 2005 9:43:00 AM  

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