Sunday, March 02, 2008

So Long, So Far

I've been pretty busy with work lately so the song writing and recording has slowed way down. But once in a while one just comes along anyway. I like the tune of this one about as much as any of mine. It stays in my head so I guess that's a good sign that it's got some stick. I have sometimes pondered the fact that there is so much that you can never go back to. Everything changes and sometimes to the point that it doesn't exist anymore. Eventually you can't go back home. Home becomes something else, or someone else. But sometimes you can't go back there either. I've really tried to come up with some happy songs. I suppose it's not yet time. Or maybe I'm a one trick pony and it's just not in me. At least this one ends with a glimmer of something. Maybe something remotely like hope?

So Long and So Far

So long and so far away from home
That now there is no road can lead me back there
The many years that I was bid to roam
And friends I loved were left behind way back where

The longing and the ache to belong
The what and why and where
And who I was is simply gone

Press ahead
For the way behind is blocked to all return
Take away the value
That is there for only those who stop and learn

Sunrise comes again and gives you one more day
Drink the beauty in
And smile and laugh and pray


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