Friday, October 12, 2007

Working the New Job

I've obviously set the blogging aside for a while. I've been busy with the new job in Fort Myers. It looks like this will work out to be a normal working hours kind of thing once I get established but I've been putting in a lot of extra time trying to climb the various learning curves and get things set up. Also I've been trying to get myself personally "established." I hesitate to use the word "settled" as I'm in temporary quarters so it doesn't lend to feeling settled exactly. But it is very nice, to be sure. Kind of like being in a very large and very nice hotel suite. Fabulous, but you just don't feel like really unpacking or hanging pictures on the wall. Why put your socks in the drawer when you know you're going right out the door soon? But at least it's a LARGE temporary space. I'm going up to Orlando tomorrow to rent a truck and fetch all my stuff in storage there. Another long day doing something I hope not to have to do again for a good long time. So, look forward to another gap in blog posting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Dan! I don't know if you're checking for comments these days, but I wanted to write and tell you that Amazon is now selling a DVD of DIVER DAN! There's even a 3-DVD set of Clutch Cargo episodes. So if you're nostalgic for Chicago kids TV, buy yourself a copy! PS - I became a grandfather again today!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 1:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, I miss your posts!

I hope the job is going well, and that your life is going well also.

Hope you have a great Christmas season.

Thanks for your blog! You are a blessing to many.


Saturday, December 22, 2007 8:14:00 AM  

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