Thursday, February 22, 2007

More of What the Bible Doesn't Say

I can't figure out why some folks are so scared of truth being revealed that might cause Christianity to be proved false. Unless those people are not believers. And then, why should they care? If one believes something is true, then there should be no fear of other truth proving that truth wrong. Truth is completely compatible with all other truth. Only liars have to be concerned with coordinating all their lies.

Some seem to be afraid that the possible existence of extra-terrestrial life would be a threat to faith in God. How could that be? Yuri Gagarin, the first human to orbit the earth, came back and is attibuted as saying that he didn't see God out there. Well that sure proved atheism, didn't it?! Venturing a few baby steps outside the atmosphere for two hours certainly measured the bounds of the universe. A universe we submit was created, therefore it's creator exists, by definition, outside of it. Yuri expressed the kind of consummate application of the scientific method so often espoused by a “scientific” community bent on denying the existence of God or anything supernatural. A further chuckle comes from the fact that such thinking happens in the confines of a philosophical form fallacy. (ex: an attempt to measure the temperature with a ruler)

A world-rocking revelation such as the proving of the existence of extra-terrestrial life or even UFO's among us would have no bearing whatsoever on God or his creation. In fact, if the universe is considered a supreme example of artistic and engineering brilliance, then to me it implies that there likely are other worlds and beings out there. What artist of such talent only ever paints only one painting? Or writes only one song? Wouldn't such creativity exult in giving fruition to much more beauty from one's welling soul? Wouldn't such an engineer be giddy about setting loose such wondrous devices as animals and plants and people and DNA and weather and tectonic geography and that clever time/space continuum? Why not do something similar on other planets? Why not whip up other complete universes? Or perhaps a few hundred other dimensions of being? Do you think the tens of thousands of microcopic critters swimming around in a drop of pond water have any idea that human beings exist?

Here's another thought from your friendly neighborhood iconoclast: Perhaps the Gospel is unique to our world and doesn't apply to other worlds or creations. Jesus could be the agent of reconciliation and restoration in all of them, but perhaps the others don't need that service. Perhaps some worlds exist as the creator intended in perfection without rebellion and sin. Perhaps God the Father has other sons that have done the required work in other worlds. Our vision of God is just way too small.

So, if I met ET this afternoon it would be an amazing experience. Maybe my children or grandchildren or great, great, great grandchildren will see that day. But if and when it comes, it will have no bearing whatsoever on the truth we already have. Except to support it.


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