Monday, February 27, 2006

Wishy Washy

My wife bought me a book for Valentine's Day called "The Crime of Living Cautiously" by Luci Shaw, a woman of 76 years at the time of it's writing. It is a little book with some pithy thougts. Below is a quote that is a perfect example of what some would call "wishy washy" thinking. I think it is right thinking:

"I wish we could all learn to see stereoscopically, without the dogmatism that comes from insecurity and the fear of seeing something that may shatter our stereotypes...

Dissent, a marked difference of opinion, a fresh angle on a policy or principle, may feel uncomfortable to begin with, yet it may bring the truth of the whole into balance as no 'one-eyed' view can. Though dissent is often received with distaste or fear as an indication of disloyalty, it may very well be the most loyal of postures to take, reflecting concern for the ultimate welfare of a policy or party.

In order to feel safe and secure, many believing Christians are determined to follow rigid patterns of behavior laid down by their authorities. They fear that otherwise they will compromise the gospel. Because such patterns promise security, these believers are content to live within a fenced enclosure, coloring their lives inside the lines. They, or those who lead them, may have a predetermined agenda that configures their conclusions, obscuring the reality that lies beyond the enclosure. Legalism and literalism, focusing as they do on a single interpretation or philosophy of life, often stifle open inquiry and healthy growth."

At the beginning of this particular chapter, Luci quotes TV news anchor Edward R. Murrow:

"We must never confuse dissent with disloyalty."

I'm reminded of the "wicked, lazy" servant in Matthew 25 who took the one talent given him by the master and burried it in the ground. Risk is not just an option for the bold and adventurous, it is a must for every servant of God. The "safe" choice of holding back and doing nothing guarantees no fruit, a branch to be cut off and cast on the fire.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely thoughts that have been on my mind lately

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:50:00 PM  

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