Monday, August 22, 2005
About Me
- Name: wingman
- Location: United States
I like anything that flies and most other things that move or move me in three dimensions. I like sports that involve the burning of fossil fuels. I don't like sports that involve balls. I enjoy beauty and make attempts to create some. I am deeply moved by subtlety and symbol. But I also like being a tough, outdoors guy. I adore women but don't understand them. I don't throw stuff away, I fix it. I admire simple and strong design but am often seduced by the complex. I'm a renaissance man wanna-be.
In process: Grind, grind, go the gears.
According to the ASPCA, neglecting a being for which one is responsible IS cruelty. If the result is the same, what is the difference?
Maybe you should just come out and say what you're really thinking. Sometimes putting words clearly on paper helps one see things as they really are.
Patience is a virtue, and right now would be a good time to excercise it ... good things are happening and have not yet been revealed. Happy Birthday.
Okay, be. Here it is through a veil of Saranwrap. Person A is off eeking a meager living out of a creative field and neglects Person B, home raising kids. This goes on for a couple of decades and causes Person B great pain. But Person B bravely puts on a happy front and makes the best of it. Person A is a clueless dolt in this regard. Then one day Person B gets to the "...mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore" point. Person A comes home to find someone who looks just like his wife but he doesn't know her. In actuality, he is meeting the real her for the first time. Person B helpfully wants to help Person A figure all this out. Person B orchestrates a situation where Person A will look forward to something in order for for Person B to make sure it doesn't happen in order for Person A to feel disappointment and thereby understand Person B's feelings. Person A, though appering to be a callous oaf actually has a tender underbelly and experiences pain. Person A ponders the distinction between causing pain unwittingly and causing pain intentionally. At first it seems a big difference. Then, as the result is the same, seems quite equal. In the meantime, Person A detects a pattern of 1)build expectation 2)pull rug out from under, or as the Sawi people of Irian Jaya used to call it, "fattening for the kill." In actuality, the intentional lesson-teaching was a one time thing and the subsequent situations were unplanned randomness. The pattern, though it's appearance was real and logically plausible, was not there. (Person A seems to have a peculiar ability to do this with Person B.) By the time Person A is clued into reality, the stinky brown stuff has once again hit the proverbial fan and made another fine mess. So there you go. Okay all you women out there, Person A is now hunkered down. You can let him have it.
Ahhh.... the plot thickens.
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