Friday, November 10, 2006

Perfect Day

Today was a perfect day in central Florida. The kind of day this state is famous for. I was thinking once again about how amazing it is that this earth is hanging in space just the right distance from the sun, spinning at just the right speed on just the right axis that the temperature range here makes it possible for us to live. This is no small thing. In space the temperatures can be so hot that all the rocks on this whole planet would be vaporized instantly, let alone organic material. Or it can be so cold that everything would be frozen solid at absolute zero. Maybe colder for all I know. In such a context, the temperature range in which a human being can stay alive is extremely narrow. But here today, not only were we in the appropriate window to be able to survive, it was precisely in the middle of that window where it's not just possible to be alive, but a great day to be alive. It was completely delightful outside. So even if you can't get your head around intelligent design as the source for living beings on this earth, how about the engineering required to provide a place for them to live? The precision of the placement, rotation speed, and axis angle is incredible. Any difference in any of those factors and life would probably not be possible. I thanked God for a beautiful day made just for us to be delighted by and thrive in.


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