Thursday, July 07, 2005

Proportional vs Trigger

Some causes result in proportional effects. A little changes things a little. A lot changes things a lot. A dimmer on low makes the light glow dimly, crank it up and the light shines bright. Some pathogens will make you more sick depending on how much you are exposed to them.

Other causes trigger effects. It matters not if it is a little or a lot, the cause triggers the effect. It's either there or not. A switch is thrown. Power is on or off. A line in the sand is crossed. It wasn't before, now it is. One cell of the virus gets in, and you have the whole deal.

I'm wondering if we, or at least I, treat some causes that should be regarded proportionally as triggers, and other causes that should be regarded triggerly as proportional?

sin in my life
offenses against me by others
substances I allow into my body
things I do
things I see and hear
verbalizing or not verbalizing the above

I have no moral, point, or agenda here. But as I begin to ponder this, I think it has far reaching ramifications to daily living. And the "shoulds" and "should nots" of our moral codes don't always specify which mode is intended. The interpretation differences make for fertile ground for all kinds of disagreement, each side knowing absolutely that they are right with scripture to prove it.


Blogger rod said...

this is a very good post. I am made to ponder many things as I read. I'm certainly guilty of confusing triggers and proportions. It occurs to me that this is why we draw firm lines at what we consider trigger points and over time, we invision a domino effect and draw lines further and further from danger. Yes, so far that ones expected to follow the rules and stop at those lines can see absolutely no reason fro their existence and plow right across every line including the proportional line that guards us from disaster.
I'm reminded of the joke, "why do Baptists disapprove of sex? -- because they think it will lead to dancing."

Thursday, July 07, 2005 1:12:00 AM  

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