Monday, December 05, 2005

The meter is running in Venezuela

I just got an update from NTM missionary friend
Merrill Dyck. Here are a few excerpts:

"Today is election day in Venezuela. People are going
to the polls to vote in their choices for the National
Assembly. We continue to look to the Lord for His will
to be done here in the country."

Interesting that none of the cynical missionary bashers I've read on the intenet re: this situation was cynical enough (or perhaps informed enough) to take note of the obvious component of pre-election posturing.

"According to the Resolution put out by the Minister
of Interior Affairs and Justice, we now have 70 days
left as a Mission to continue on working in our
different tribal locations. And we continue marching
ahead at quite the pace. As I went into the print shop
yesterday, I was amazed at how many portions of
Scripture and Bible lesson material is being cranked
out. Yes, we want to redeem the time while we still
have it. So it is a real thrill to see new verses
and Bible lessons being completed each day by our
Church Planting teams. Thanks for praying for us all
as they continue to labor in 12 different people groups.
Here are just few things to help keep you in the loop
about what is going on down here:

-as NTM Venezuela leaders, we continue to seek God's
direction and are endeavoring to keep the missionaries
encouraged and focused. We also continue working with
thelawyer who is preparing a "stay" that challenges
the constitutionality of the government's expulsion
order. That will be presented to the highest court in
the land this coming week."


Blogger wingman said...

PS: Here we have photographic proof of how these missionaries are living high on the hog in a lavish compound.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 4:39:00 PM  

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