Friday, August 05, 2005


Some people have it. Most don’t. IT is what makes stars in Hollywood. You really can’t define it, but you know it when you see it. It belongs to beautiful people with natural charisma. The Bible places no value on it whatever. In fact, God goes in the opposite direction most of the time. But for some universal unknown human reason, we always go for it. It demands a second look. It’s just pleasant and winsome and we can’t help ourselves. Nobody has control over whether they have it or not any more than they have control over their race. God just put each of us together uniquely. So we nonits can’t begrudge the its at all. And the its would be advised to not look down on the nonits as without them their itness would have no context in which to shine. Acknowledging who made us the colors we are and allowing common sense to have sway would solve the racial tensions of the world since it’s not the result of anyone’s intention but God’s. But that, obviously, is way too simple for us to accept. Anyway, just as men and women can’t ever really, completely understand each other, so the its will never really be able to understand us nonits and we won’t ever really be able to understand them. There’s a mystery to it all around. Jealousy notwithstanding, nonits greatly enjoy the existence of its. I think God gave them to us to spice life and bring a little sparkle. It certainly sells a lot of movie tickets and tabloids and fashion magazines at supermarket checkouts. And we nonits have much to give to the its. But the gold isn’t sitting on the surface. It has to be mined. Every person has precious, irreplaceable value. In some cases we just have to look for IT a little harder.


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